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rworldmap country names

rworldmap documentation

rworldmap legend

rworldmap example

rworldmap us states

rworldmap remove antarctica

rworldmap getmap

20 Feb 2015 Natural Earth data, can be plotted in rworldmap. License GPL (>= 2). Depends R (>= 2.10.0), sp. Suggests rworldmap. Repository CRAN.
5 Oct 2012 rworldmap: Mapping global data, vector and raster. Enables mapping CRAN checks: rworldmap results Reference manual: rworldmap.pdf.
rworldmap. Package: rworldmap. Type: Package Title: Mapping Global Data Version: 1.3-6. Date: 2016-02-03. Author: Andy South Maintainer: Andy South
  from CRAN. install.packages('rworldmap',dependencies=TRUE) require(devtools) install_github('AndySouth/rworldmap', Documentation: PDF Manual
3 Feb 2016 rworldmap: Mapping Global Data. Enables BugReports: Reference manual: rworldmap.pdf.
19 Dec 2012 Solution #2 – rworldmap. The map produced by the ggmap package is a raster. In other words it is just an image placed on the R graphic
RoxygenNote 5.0.1. NeedsCompilation no. Repository CRAN. Date/Publication 2016-02-03 12:26:35. R topics documented: rworldmap-package .
To get started finding rworldmap a new r package for mapping global data, you are right to find our website which has a comprehensive collection of manuals
3 Feb 2016 rworldmap is a package for visualising global data, concentrating on data refer- This vignette shows a few examples of the main rworldmap
17 Oct 2012 The rworldmap is the library that allows both joining country data with the shapefiles of each country and plotting the desired variables.
